Design by Luci-12.png

Let’s create something beautiful together!

I offer a range of creation packages to suit every stage of an independent business or self promotion. You can see exactly what you’ll receive and for what price.

Please note that the amount of packages I can take on each month are limited.


Let’s get to know each other first…

I offer a free one hour, one to one chat before starting any work to establish which stage you’re at and if my services are right for you. This is a friendly casual chat, a time to express your ideas and tell me all about your brand and what you feel you need.

There is no obligation to continue after our chat, I want to make sure we’re the right client, designer fit!

Design by Luci-13.png

Just a website please!

You’re up and running, you’ve got the branding down and it’s looking great, you just want to bring it all together onto one beautiful website!

Design by Luci-15.png

I want it all!

You’re fresh with ideas and future plans, you just need help bringing it to life with beautiful graphics and a website for it all to live on.

Design by Luci-14.png

A bit of this, a bit of that!

You’ve got some branding or imagery ready to go but it needs refining or adding too. You then want to bring it all together onto one beautiful website.

Design by Luci-16.png

I just need the branding!

You just need some help with graphics to use on other platforms… or you already have a website but you want to give your brand a refresh.


Need something else?

If there’s something you don’t see here that you’re required please get in touch and let’s see if it’s something I can help with.